Date(s) - 11/05/2021 - 18/05/2021
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The seminar ‘Paving rough roads: the role of policy in the nexus between climate change, rural development and migration’ was held on 11 and 18 May within the masters course Agricultural Policy Evaluation of the Department of Agricultural and Food Studies of the University of Bologna (UNIBO). The event was organised by Mattero Vittuari, Matteo Masotti, and Elisa Iori (UNIBO). Over 20 students participated in the seminar both online and in person.
The first part of the 11 May seminar covered a theoretical analysis of the drivers of rural migration and their impacts on rural areas. In the second part, a round table ‘Migration, agricultural systems and rural development in the context of climate change: does policy matter? Experiences from Nepal, Kyrgysztan and Moldova’ was set up involving contributions from the following AGRUMIG colleagues: Eugenia Lucasenco (INCE), Asel Murzakulova (University of Central Asia), Neelambari Phalkey (University of Birmingham) and Vitalie Stirba (INCE). The roundtable discussed the impacts of climate change on rural development and rural migrations in Moldova, Nepal and Kyrgyzstan, and the policy adopted to cope with climate change issues. The session on 18 May focused on the role of advocacy in climate change and migration, with contributions from Eva Izqierdo of the European Environmental Bureau.