Positive Migration

Migration stories from around the world that shed light on the key role migration plays in development.


Challenges faced by China’s rural non-agricultural labor in the post-pandemic era

The COVID-19 pandemic spread globally at an unanticipated rate, causing severe shocks to the world economy and global labor markets.

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Bringing together the activities of multiple agencies towards stronger migration governance in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is an important outmigration country and, under the federal structure, many different agencies are involved in overseeing migration. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA) is one of the main government agencies involved.

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Migration Governance in Thailand: building local databases on returnee migrants to support policy actions

In 2007, the number of Thai overseas migrants rose to 161,917 migrants, but had declined to 58,826 migrants in 2019 due to greater economic development and more job opportunities opening up within Thailand.

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Migration Governance in Kyrgyzstan: uncertainties and perspectives for the agricultural sector and rural development.

Migration is a dynamic process that constantly changes depending on internal and external conditions. For migration sending and receiving countries, such a process requires flexible approaches and continuous updates to migration governance policies.

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Moving out, moving up? Stories of rural women migrating from Thailand and Kyrgyzstan

On the 15th of October, 2022, the international community celebrates the world’s hardworking rural women whose labor helps deliver global food security.

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Outmigration and rural stability in Moldova: AGRUMIG research supports new policy perspectives

Moldova is a small, landlocked country in eastern Europe with a population of just 2.5 million. Outmigration is a widespread phenomenon severely affecting future social and economic development in rural areas.

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Reintegration of migrants to support rural development – Bringing new knowledge to policy audiences in Nepal

Shalini Gupta and Arjun Kharel Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility Under the AGRUMIG research project, the Nepal team has engaged with different stakeholders to facilitate discussions and identify key policy issues on migration and agriculture governance in Nepal. Small group in-person meetings and more extensive national and…

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