Women’s Economic Empowerment Forum session: Migration and Family Farms, 2017

Date(s) - 23/05/2017
All Day

Bangkok, Thailand


On the 23rd May, MEDA, IWMI and ILO representatives participated in a session at the Women’s Economic Empowerment forum on Migration and Family Farms.  Migration has transformed rural economies in many Majority World Countries. In countries worldwide where off-farm economic activities include out migration for labour, the impact on women in family farms can be significant, ranging from social shifts toward female-headed households, labour shortages, and greater vulnerability for those who stay behind. Despite the challenges, migration can also bring opportunities. Women who remain in farming may gain greater control over resources, increased decision making, and remittances can lead to new investments. The trend of the feminization of agriculture has also been complicated by the fact that women are themselves increasingly migrating in many countries. This session sought to discuss solutions and generate a better understanding of how to address migration issues as part of the broader women’s economic empowerment agenda.

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